The Gov't / NJ Transit / Amtrak Deliberately Sabotaged Tunnels and Train Service in and out of Penn Station

I think the Gov't / NJ Transit / Amtrak Deliberately Sabotaged  Tunnels and Train Service in and out of Penn Station to force the Feds to pay for Gateway / ARC tunnel. I was watching the news this morning and seen Cory Booker and Chris Christie talking about getting the feds to put the funding up for a new tunnel because the existing tunnels are insufficient and breaking down. While its true that the these tunnels are in a very dangerous state and need to be repaired immediately , I find it strange that all of these situations such as derailments and trains getting stuck just suddenly started occurring. These guys just conveniently interject with the need for fed funds which all people are going to rally behind due to recent incidents. I think its a way of forcing someone's hand and we seen that happen throughout history. I can't say its not needed but I can't agree with their methods of going about to get it done. It says a lot when we can manipulate people while harming others. Its not right.


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